Once upon a Tummy!

Tomi Sidharta
4 min readJul 23, 2023


Try and fail, but don’t fail to try

John Quincy Adams

Hi Guys, in this article I will tell you our story on our content about food and beverage. Before you read please also subscribe our Tik Tok @foodbangmedia that have 11,2K followers😻

Figure 1. Please Follow @foodbangmedia

Once Upon A Time

So it begins on 2021, when Covid-19 attacks, Jakarta also have the lockdown sequence. Me and my 2 bros was so bored because of it, so then the Tik Tok its going viral on that era in Indonesia. So we think why don’t we make Tik Tok videos?

Why do we need to make Tik Tok? Ok so here’s the breakdown (figure 2) in a Nutshell about Tik Tok.

Figure 2. Tik Tok Statistics

If you see again that numbers really talks 😃 Definitely!!! 😄😄😄

So again me and our bros, keep discussing about what niche content we should create, since we didn’t have any experience on creating a video review. And then we come up with an idea why don’t we create content that niche to Food and Beverages video because all of us really like to do some culinary things and my big bros can do cook and I can do the video editing things. and voila! the @foodbangmedia was born 🐤

The Grand Master Plan

So when we try to start to take the video we really need dividing task for each members, so we create simple plan 📓 (Figure 3 & Figure 4).

Figure 3. The high-level Plan of creating a magic!
Figure 4. Project management tools.

Like everyone said that, creating idea was really fun and exciting. But the execution is really hard. Yes, we’ve been struggling on produce the content. what are the content should be look like? when will we post? what are the script will look like? and so on. And then we just start it like GoTo said “Mulai Aja Dulu, Pasti Ada Jalan”.

The Execution

Figure 5. Content Creation.

As in the Figure 5. we really try hard on how to make the video and post it to Tik Tok, and if you scroll our first post on Tik Tok. We didn’t have any views 😜

disclaimers: that person on the pic is my big bro anyway #haha

Figure 6. Foodbangmedia 1st content.

Since we have a small viewers, we actively discuss on how to growth our content, so again we try to doing some continuous improvement by creating a different video editing & Story line post by post. And after 3 month streak we post some of our videos with different story we notice some improvement between this 3 contents (figure 7).

Figure 7. A new way to create content.

And then the magic Happens! 🌠

The Viral Content

After struggling on finding what content we should post, after all we already found the secret recipe on creating a good content, therefore the recipe is:

  1. Need to add people (subject on your video) this one is really important because human touch really make our video going viral especially cooking session.
  2. Simple video editing but clean and clear. As we found that our video its full out of stickers that represent the subtitles of what voice over says, we found that few stickers on Tik Tok increase our chances video on Tik Tok to be viral.
  3. Consistently post Tik Tok. Quantity its also important to maintain your audience. we try to experiment posting content once a week vs twice a week and the difference is that the more you post the content the more its really easy to going viral.
  4. Lastly, commitment its important! If you really want to be a content creator what you need is commitment and focus! Trust me if you have 2 of this spirit, no one can stop you!

And then, we reach our biggest achievement that one video going viral on Tik Tok (figure 8).

Figure 8. Foodbangmedia Viral Content.

And that is our story on making our food review on Tik Tok. But for now we’re still going silo since this isn’t our priority & the workload that we had its really making us exhausted so we unfortunately we decided to not to continue this journey. But we will back on 2023.


So when you want to be a content creator make sure you really focus, passionate and commit to content you want to create. The important thing is “Mulai Aja Dulu, Pasti Ada Jalan” 😃

Our Team

Here are our small team

Figure 9. Foodbangmedia Team

Thank you for reading this article, hope you can find your passion! Good luck and have fun!

Happy food, happy tummy😃

