Beauty Commerce — PM Case Study

Tomi Sidharta
6 min readSep 2, 2023


Don’t design features. Solve problems.

— Fred Radford

On 2021, there was a pandemic attack and turns out offline shopping become difficult to access, since we’re still on the lockdown period on that day. Yes, its really frustrated for us when we want to go shopping especially for fast moving product such as: food, bathing necessities, cosmetics and etc. And when it comes with FMCG products it just make me curious especially for specific woman needs, cosmetics. So in my opinion cosmetic was really hard to bought online, because we will need to do some trial, make sure the colors of the product are as expected and also has a many different kind of brand and products. This one would be really hard to choose for customer when they want to buy on E-Commerce. And then I found one of the beauty commerce apps that I would like to explore and do some in depth research about it.


About Female daily

Female Daily (est. 2008) is one of the largest Indonesia beauty e-commerce & community with a mission to revolutionize the way Indonesian women discover, share and buy beauty products, services & cosmetics.

Market size about beauty needs in Indonesia

Figure 1. Market projections of Beauty Needs in Indonesia 2021.

Based on Statistical data in Indonesia (Hootsuite,2021), we know that the total population of Indonesia Citizen form age 16 to 64 its equal to 181.9 Million, with 98% of them are a smartphone user. As you can see on the figure 1. that 79,1% of consumer purchased a product online via mobile phone, with a total spent about $9,81 billion for fashion & Beauty products
and About 12,9% of women makin an online transaction through mobile Apps.

Lets Count 💰
178 Mio User using a smart phone with around 140 Mio of population purchased via mobile and not last 18,2 Mio female users, are using mobile apps to buy a product through mobile apps with a total spent $1,2 Billion in 2020. wow it’s a huge amount right? So why we should missed it? 😋

Another Supplement Data

Based on research from Jmango,2021 shows that:

Figure 2. Millenials are prefer to choose buying retail product via Apps.
  1. 61% of Millennials say they download retail apps and 58% of millennials mentioned that they preferred purchasing through apps.
  2. People view 4.2x more products per session within apps, compared to mobile sites. Apps also push more people down the purchase funnel, with 3x higher conversion rates compared to mobile sites and even 1,5 times more conversions per session than via desktop.

And so based on that finding, I’m really curious to explore about the Apps 😃

Findings About Female Daily

Cut-off research date: 15 Aug’21

Female daily’s Journey

Figure 3. Ui Journey of Female Daily Online shopping.

Based on journey that I’ve explore, I found that:

  1. Checkout process having a different environment that can make user confusing and ends up with cart abandonment.
  2. Customer Need to make a cart page, checkout page and payment gateway integration at FD mobile Apps.

And as you can see on the figure 4 are the complete end-to-end process of FD’s shopping experience journey.

Figure 4. Journey of Female daily End-to-end shopping experience

Initial Thoughts & Recommendation:

  • there is to many steps to make a process checkout (10 Steps) need to open new browser and 2 times login.
  • There is no Checkout & cart User journey at Mobile Apps.
  • IPG flow improvement needed ( based on my own experience, before users go to IPG checkout page, on a checkout details we can also add payment method and it can call API based on what payment method user’s choose and can cut the payment method flow on the SNAP page.

Improvement Ideas

Figure 5. Proposed flow of end-to-end Shopping experience Journey.

Based on figure 5. I try to propose to takeout several steps :

  1. As a guest mode, I would like to checkout my products without any login requirement.
  2. Shorten payment flow by compile payment method page & checkout details on a single page.

So here I propose some of the Roadmap that came out through my mind:

Figure 6. Idea plan for Female Daily development

Recommendation Feature

Figure 7. Checkout Page recommendation Idea part 1
  1. Add to cart button directly trigger popup cart page and add it on the user’s cart.
  2. In the popup user can +/- the quantity of the product or can jump into the cart page.
  3. On the cart page users can delete items, add promo code and see recommendation based on their product view preference.
  4. On the Checkout page, there are shipping details, purchased item details, shipping & payment method, promo code and last but not least payment summary.
Figure 8. Checkout Page recommendation Idea part 2
  1. On the Check out Details, User can click “bayar” and it will be triggered to checkout pages.
  2. On the IPG page, user will be redirect to Payment method that they already choose on a checkout page, so user can just read the instruction and paid it.
  3. Transaction complete Page, user can back to homepage or can see the details of the invoice.
  4. On the Account Details, user can see their order status.
  5. On the “pesanan saya” page, there will be all of history of items that have been purchased and those status.

Metrics to be Track

Product Page
1. # add to cart
2. # Buy now
3. # of add quantity

Cart Page
1. # +/- or delete Items
2. Promo redeem
3. # click product section “rekomendasi untukmu”
4. # click beli
5. # tambahkan wishlist
6. Session user

Checkout Page
1. Avg Checkout time
2. Payment method change by customer
3. Redeem promo code
4. # Shipping Method choose
5. # click Bayar instead of back

Payment Details
1. # Status Paid
2. # Status Waiting for payment
3. # status Transaction cancelled
4. Conversion rate

Risk Analysis

  1. Summarize Customer Complain about Checkout complains (wrong address, Wrong item Bought, Transaction Failed or not paid).
  2. Monitoring IPG FDM Transaction periodically to tackle any issue regarding payment failed or fraudster.
  3. Follow-up pending / failed transaction Services.
  4. Basket size monitoring and cart abandonment reminder.

Future Feature Recommendation

  1. Automation Email & Push Notification reminder to pay the pending order.
  2. Automation Email & Push Notification reminder for abandonment cart
  3. Create bot chat about FAQ or customer complain about checkout page
  4. Create Live chat customer support


Ok, So probably that’s all idea that I can share, Thank you for reading this article 😃 and how about your product ideas? feel free to comment about this article. Thank you 🙏

