A PM Case Study — On Boarding

Tomi Sidharta
6 min readMar 3, 2024


Don’t design Features. Solve problems.

— Fred Radford

Hi all, thank you for spending your time to read this article 👍 I think this article will discussing about onboarding case study especially to discussing onboarding moment 🚀

What is On Boarding?

Figure 1. Funnel Process of Onboarding — Purchase.

Onboarding refers to registration process for a new user provide information such as their name, email address, and possibly other details depending on the application’s requirements. This kind of step is crucial as a top of the pyramidal of user acquisition flow.

Why on Boarding is so important?

First impression is really matters when we see or use any products right? a case study from harvard, 2016:

“We make judgments [about other people] in a nanosecond.” And once that impression is formed, it’s “very, very hard to change it.” Simply put, your relationships and interactions will be a lot easier if you’re able to immediately start off strong. “You get the benefit of the doubt,” says Dorie Clark, the author of Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future. “So then if you ever say the wrong thing, make a mistake, or arrive at work late, the other person is more likely to assume the best.” A strong first impression, she says, “gives you more latitude to be human.” Here are some strategies to help ensure others see the best in you from the beginning.

Just like a person, some mobile app doesn’t get a second chance to make a first impression. a Study from Nick Babich, 2016 there is only one chance to sway someone into becoming a user, because if you disappoint the first time, you can bet (with 80% confidence) they won’t be back.


So in this case study, we will discussing on one of the edu-tech platform in Indonesia called Sejuta cita mobile Apps that i’ve done research on 2021.

What is Sejuta Cita?

Figure 2. Sejuta Cita Mobile App.

SejutaCita is an app for student and high school events in Indonesia, aimed at centralizing information about youth events ranging from webinars, competitions, classes, conferences, scholarships, internships, and more. Now event organizers can easily upload events and accept participant registrations through the Sejuta Cita app, while also promoting to over 700,000 youth users of the app.

Findings about the App

Figure 3. Onboarding email issue.

Based on my findings, several issues were identified regarding the onboarding process, particularly related to difficulties encountered by some individuals in verifying their email addresses.

Figure 4. Top Reason why People uninstall mobile Apps

Based on top reason why people uninstall mobile apps from webina,2018:

  • Users try out a lot of apps but decide which ones they want to ‘stop using’
  • App does not provide any instant value
  • App does not have good user onboarding
  • App sends too many notifications

As you can see, if some apps didn’t have good user onboarding will directly impacting on uninstall Apps and decrease user acquisition.

How to Increase User Acquisition

But, there’s a way According to Tony Dolan, 2021. Breakdown 6 ways how to increase User acquisition:

  1. Understand the Problem
  2. Onboarding Process
  3. New Features and personalization
  4. Track Your Power Users
  5. Build Loyalty
  6. Actively Measurement

Some idea that I’ve find to bypass verification email to bypass email verification is using Single sign-on process (e.g google sign on or sign in with facebook & etc).

Figure 5. Single Sign on users In Indonesia (2021).
  1. So, based on data, the ownership of Google accounts in Indonesia is approximately 135 million in 2020, while Facebook accounts are about 140 million.
  2. The total population of users in Indonesia is 274.9 million, which suggests that at least 50% of citizens in Indonesia have a Facebook or Google account.
  3. These data are further supported by the fact that 98% of citizens in Indonesia own a smartphone, indicating that most of them already have a suitable device to access the Sejuta Cita App.

A Study according to Martin in 2021, many companies experience higher conversion rates when they transition their onboarding process to include a Single Sign-On (SSO) feature. Here’s the evidence:

  • Conversion rates increased by 40–60% with LoginRadius.
  • Conversion rates saw a boost of 10–60% with Social Annex.
  • Conversion rates improved by 3–4% with Mailchimp.

While the increase with Mailchimp may seem relatively small, a 3–4% improvement can have significant effects, especially considering the potentially large user base involved.

Product Solution

Figure 6. Sejuta cita User’s Journey

Key Takeaways:

  1. There are too many signup flows for new users who want to understand what this app is about.
  2. There are inconsistent milestones during the registration process (Step 2: Register), with one step (Career details) not counted in the milestones.
  3. A popup explains the quest, but after users register, their level suddenly jumps to level 11, potentially confusing users about the gamification feature.
  4. There is no onboarding tutorial provided after users successfully create their account.
  5. If users close the app without completing the registration process, they cannot log in and will need to start the registration process again.

Competitive Analysis

Figure 7. Competitive analysis (UX).

Proposed Solution


Figure 8. Roadmap for Single sign on in SeJuta Cita App.
  1. Sign in with google
  2. Sign in with facebook
  3. Progressbar feature to complete profile
  4. Edit use’s event preferences

This 4 point will be a MVP for our product because the flow will be changed and please see figure 10. for further explanation.

Figure 9. Current vs Proposed User journey in my opinion.

Based on figure 8 and previous section, I propose to simplify flow using single sign on with google / facebook and do verification user’s data later via homepage.

Figure 10. Proposed Flow on new single sign on Sejuta cita Experience.
  1. There are new sections to sign up / sign in with Google or Facebook.
  2. If users click the button, it will trigger the opening of a browser and direct them to the login page for Google or Facebook accounts.
  3. Upon completion of the Single Sign-On (SSO) flow, users will be automatically redirected to the homepage, and a popup will confirm successful signup.
  4. A progress bar is provided for users to fill in their basic information (Setup Password, Education & Event Interest categories).
  5. Clicking on the progress bar will redirect users to the profile edit page.

Sprint -timeline Ideation

Figure 10. Timeline (scrum methodology)

Based on figure 10. will try to create & commite timeline with development team usign 10 mandays of creating single sign on feature.

Success Metrics

SSO Feature

  1. # Signup with google
  2. # Signup with Facebook
  3. # Signup w/o SSO

Complete User Preferences

  1. # Complete vs incomplete Form

Success DAU Metrics

  1. According to Andrew Chen, is there any DAU Escalation over 20% on platform, indicated as a success metrics.
  2. we can also calculate Churn Rate to discover percentage rate of users who end or discontinue their App usage within a given time frame.
    Churn Rate Formula: number of customers lost during a specific 3me period /number of customers you had at the beginning of that specific 3me period + new acquired customers

The lower the churn rate, the better user stickiness of your product.

5. # Bounce Rate

6. Page Session


Alright I think thats all, that I can conclude from this research, anyway do feel free to comment if you have other ideas or do you have any suggestion about my content. Sayonara! 😃

