A PM Case Study — Fintech

Tomi Sidharta
5 min readAug 17, 2023


Your most unhappy customers are your greatest learning

Bill Gates

When I was on a 2nd years of work maybe around 2021, I always wanting to learn something new such as challenge myself to create some of the case study. so there was a challenge from one of the best fintech company “Cermati” to propose a new feature on their Apps. So I’m thrilled to join the event and create one of my case study. So in this article we will closely discussing about current case study that I’ve made for Cermati.

The Proposal

Current Apps version: 2.4.1 (2020)


So as I already exploring cermati’s App, I found some problems on the Order Notifications step of PPOB (payment point online bank). for the disclaimers, on the cermti’s Apps, there are menu called “Aplikasi” that was act as payment notification when user want to bought some products and didn’t finish their payment terms.

Figure 1. Cermati PPOB Ui

PPOB Payment always relate into a user retention and also continuous payment in the App.

  • Based on research that I’ve found the average of house hold pays 13 bills per month including car payments, electricity, mortgage or rent, internet, credit cards, and insurance bills. Consumers have to remember to pay each one, often trying to manage paper bills, emails, texts and phone calls. The sheer number of bills, coupled with varying due dates and countless distractions, can often cause otherwise timely payers to become delinquent on occasion.

So as we can see that PPOB has a great opprtunity, I would like to eliminate some of the problems that I’ve found on cermati Apps. Please see figure 2 below for the current findings:

Figure 2. PPOB Order History Notification flow

So in this case there are several steps that needed to be finish:

  1. Step-1, After we pick some PPOB packages and want to pay the debt, User need to Click on “Aplikasi” Menu.
  2. Step-2, scroll section “order saya” to sub menu “Top Up & Tagihan and click it.
  3. Step — 3, Click on TopUp & Tagihan and it will be redirected to different pages for TopUp & Tagihan and this is the end screen.

So there are several concern from my side:

  • User didn’t know where the PPOB bills menu are when they want to pay their bills.
  • User need to swipe left so that they can know there is a tab menu called “TopUp & tagihan”. Hence, the menu seems hidden and hard to find by user.
  • User click the menu and they will be redirected to new page. But this time it have the notification bubble that are the pending payment they need to pay.


As we know about objective about making an apps its about sales in the end. The Payment feature its absolutely an essential things that need to be
prioritize so that the customer can buy your products seamlessly. PPOB is needed by everyone in making payments continuously, so I can say that PPOB it’s a fast moving product, so it needs to be prioritized 1st so
the user can easily pay their bill regulary.

some of the case study that I’ve found:

  • A study from Abdel,2019 says that they can increase the CVR by 60% only by using notification bubble / red dot in his Apps.
  • Also a study from Andrea, 2021 says that bubble notifications can increase App engagement and easily trigger user to click or even finish whatever they need to finish.

Proposed Feature

Feature 1 — Order History Notifications & Simplify flow of “TopUp & Tagihan Menu

Figure 3. Order History Notification
  1. Add Notification Red dot on Footer menu “Aplikasi” whenever User have a new information about their payment status or anything else.
  2. When they click on the “Aplikasi Menu” by default the first selected / shown for the users are TopUp & Tagihan Menu so user can just easily check their payment status without need to swipe left and open new page again.
  3. There is also a Notification red dot on the sub menu for each one if there is any payment status / request update.

Metrics to be tracked

  1. Number of finisih ”Tagihan dan pembayaran” Payment.
  2. Number of click Aplikasi Page menu.
  3. Number of Abandonment cart for “TopUp & Tagihan” .
  4. Session to finish pending payment 5. Funnel Analysis finish pending payment.

Feature 2— Reminder Notes

This Feature is proposed because a several study about PPOB tell that using reminder Feature on payment app can increase User retention for about 10% and also can increase value of a business by 30% (Sudeep,2021).

Figure 4. Reminder Notes Flow
  1. Add Reminder on the dashboard menu, so when the user at the dashboard, they notice if they can create a reminder for their bills.
  2. There is a new reminder page to organize the user whenever they want to create new reminder / read their post created reminder.
  3. The user will have 3 milestones to create their payment reminders. For the step-1 users can pick their payment products that they want to choose.
  4. Step-2 Let say users choose ”pulsa”, then it will appears product details page to choose what phone number / credit that they want to buy.
  5. Step-3 it’s a reminder summary and configuration whether they want to remind recurring or just one time and they can set the deadline.
  6. Card example if the users already create reminder card, they can click button ”bayar” /edit and delete reminder.

Metrics to be tracked

  1. # of Click Reminder Feature at homepage
  2. Session Time from create to finish create
  3. # of edit & delete reminder
  4. # of Reminder card created
  5. Funnel Analysis from Create — Finish


So from those of proposed feature, hopefully it will answered the business needs from Cermati and also increase user stickiness & increase company GTV. Alright thats all folks. Thank you for reading this article 😃

