A Healthcare Platform — PM Case Study

Tomi Sidharta
5 min readAug 17, 2023


You’ve got start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology

— Steve Jobs

In this Article we will talking about PM case study about the healthcare App in Indonesia. So on 2023 I just got curiosity on the healthcare Apps in Indonesia. Let’s have an example Siloam Hospital. Siloam is one of the biggest hospital in Indonesia and as for now has become the benchmark for quality health services in Indonesia.

So as for now Siloam has Healthcare Apps to book some appointment with doctor called “My Siloam Apps” and we will discuss about the case that I’ve found on the Mysiloam Apps and also breakdown the software development life cycle process based on my assumption.


One thing that always came up on my mind is how the digitalization capability on healthcare can change the Indonesia’s market? So I do some market research and found out that:

Figure 1. Total Estimation of market size Healthcare in Indonesia

So as in the figure 1, based on data what i’ve found that:

  • 204 Mio of Internet users in Indonesia with +1% YoY change (2.1 Mio)
  • User penetration will be increase 15.1% in 2023
  • CVR of user converting on healthFcare-services is equal to 9.3%

Imagine how big is the pie right? 😄 especially for siloam hospitals who are the biggest leading hospitals.

Traditional Hospital Registration

Figure 2. Standard Procedure from Goverment
  • Based on the flowchart of the guideline for the registration process, as we can see on a high-level there are 5-steps that customer should facing before they can make an appointment with doctor.
  • Based on some research The average of waiting time in the hospital to consult with a health-care professional E2E from 2014 was 50.41 minutes
  • From all of this findings, we can conclude that traditional registration will takes a lot of time to wait.

Current Registration process on MySiloam Apps

Here are the current registration process for outpatient in MySiloam Apps

Figure 3. Current Registartion mysiloam Apps

From the summary of all the flow above, there are 7 steps that user’s need to be fulfilled as a new outpatient customer.

Figure 4. Mysiloam Apps Feedback pt.1.
Figure 5. Myslioam Apps Feedback pt.2

Proposal Solution

Features Proposition

Based on this research for registration CVR process, they said that 45% is a baseline minimum from user that have already downloaded the Apps.

So in a way to reach that kind of target I will suggest on registration process (search Appointment) we need to change some strategy by creating:

  1. A Simple registration Process (create a Recommendation Feature tools with only 1-click)
  2. Suggest location nearest from user’s Location

some case study says that 75% of users on online health-care registration process would rather have someone provide expert recommendations to them rather than researching on their own.

Figure 6. Mockup new Journey to book Appointment

In Summary based on figure 6. we need permission user to allow them use recommendation & let them to access location to give them quick step to bypass manual search for availability doctor & location. After user allow all of those permission they will be automatically redirected to list of doctor’s availability / can search based on user’s want and later it will be redirected to book an appointment with the doctors.

Software Development Plan

So to Prioritize our new feature recommendation and prevent any unnecessary development we need to use some guideline. Thankfully, we can user RICE score as our baseline to prioritize

Figure 7. RICE Score formula
Figure 8. Prioritization calculation

In order to start the development cycle there are several steps that mandatory, as defined below:

Figure 9. Development timeline Plan

These are the project charter & Current development plan for creating new Feature, In summary:

  1. When development start we will need to add daily standup to monitor development progress & blockers that can be resolved (if Any).
  2. There will be retrospective Sprint after all of sprint is already done.
  3. The Plan it will be 4 Weeks of development & 1 week to rollout 100% to all of MySiloam Apps user to avoid any major bugs on Production Env.

Monitoring Plan

Current Monitoring Plan That we can consider about the new recommendation feature:

  1. Recommendation Search CVR.
  2. Retention Rate (from user that using Recommendation search CVR).
  3. Funnel Overview (from book appointment — Convert).
  4. Quantitative survey (Feedback survey form user experience Minimum of 30 Respondent).
  5. Qualitative survey (interview user with certain persona).
  6. After go live, we can do some A/B test user with recommendation search and W/O recommendation feature, later on we can see what’re the best feature to be choose.
  7. Reduction number of offline queues at siloam hospitals.


So thats all case study from my side. 😃 Hopefully this article will help you to solve case study on your career as Product Manager. Good luck and Have fun. 😃

